A complete facsimile edition of the previously unedited Samaritan sequel to the Kitab al-Ta?rikh by Abi l-Fat? Ibn Abi l-?asan al-Samiri al-Danafi (d. ca. 1355). The edition of this chronicle photographically reproduces Paris BN Ms. Samaritain 10 (pp. 203-264), which, written in Middle Arabic, seems easily readable but poses a plethora of editorial problems. The editor entitled the work a Continuatio, and translated it into English with full editorial and explanatory annotation. The work describes the local history of the Samaritan people in Palestine up to the 10th century and contains valuable information about major political events presented, according to caliphates up to al-Ra?i (d. 934). "Il appert que la Continuatio est une important source historique" (Claude Gilliot)
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